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Pulitzer Prize Winners at Midland Books

Beginning in 1917, the Pulitzer Prize is an award that recognises excellence in American journalism, music, literature, and poetry. The prize was founded in 1917 after the death of Joseph Pulitzer, for whom the award was named. Joseph Pulitzer was a Jewish man from Hungary, who, upon his emigration to America, became a wealthy newspaper journalist, editor, and publisher. After his death, the Columbia School of Journalism was founded and the first Pulitzer prize was awarded. The winners are decided amongst an advisory board of 19 individuals. They choose from 1,400 nominations for excellence in American journalism, music, literature and poetry. Many of the novels which have been recipients for this prize have achieved further success after their award. Some have been adapted for both the big and small screens, with many becoming best-sellers after recognition from the Pulitzer Prize. 

Here are some of the previous Pulitzer Prize winners you can find at Midland Books online or in-store;

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Marie Laure is blind. She has been blind since she was six years old. She lives in Paris with her father, who builds her a model replica of her entire neighbourhood after she loses her sight. When the Germans infiltrate Paris in 1940, Marie and her father leave for Brittany where they stay with her uncle. By chance, she meets Werner, a German orphan who is an expert builder which lands him in a position as a tracker for the Hitler Youth. Both are trying to survive the devastation of World War II. 

Shop All the Light We Cannot See here

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

This coming-of-age novel tells the story of Theo Decker, who has survived an accident that has killed his mother. With no mother and abandoned by his father, Theo is taken in by a family of his wealthy friend. He finds himself in a world where everything and everyone is unfamiliar to him. As he stumbles across a painting that reminds him of his dead mother, he is enveloped in the world of art. 

Shop The Goldfinch here

Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Stout

A now retired school teacher, Olive Kitteridge disapproves of the changes in her small town of Crosby, Maine. Although sometimes highly perceptive to these changes, Olive doesn’t always notice the changes in those around her. Thirteen separate narratives are all connected and drawn together through the character of Olive Kitteridge. As the world moves and ripples around her, Olive learns a greater level of understanding for herself and her life. 

Shop Olive Kitteridge here

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

Set in Oklahoma, the Joad family have begun the journey West in search of the promised land, in search of a better life. This novel shows the harshness of the Great Depression and the difficulties of the life of an immigrant farm worker. In 1939 this book was published and since, The Grapes of Wrath is regarded as Steinbeck’s best work. 

Shop The Grapes of Wrath here

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Published in 1960, To Kill A Mockingbird is an American classic. Told by Jean Louise Finch, her father Atticus Finch works as a lawyer during the Great Depression. To Kill A Mockingbird is regarded as a classic of modern American literature. It also tackling serious issues, To Kill A Mockingbird is also noted for its warmth and humour.  

Shop To Kill A Mockingbird here

Shop all of these amazing books and many more at Midland Books.

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