Three Castles Burning : A History of Dublin in Twelve Streets


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’If Los Angeles feels like it was designed for the driver, and New York City for the subway passenger, Dublin, one could say, was made for the pedestrian. Its reputation as a city best experienced on foot was secured a century ago with the publication of James Joyce’s Ulysses, a novel with an emphasis on perambulation. It remains true today; few places better suit a weekend of wandering. And you’ll find few better guides than historian Donal Fallon, author of the new book Three Castles Burning: A History of Dublin in Twelve Streets, and host of a popular social history podcast. On a recent stroll, Mr. Fallon was repeatedly stopped by denizens, eager to share discoveries and pose for selfies. That a historian can be a local celebrity testifies to the degree to which the past remains present here.’ Full article here